I love adding sprouts to my salads and sandwiches!

Sprouts are edible seeds that have just germinated. Pound for pound they have the largest amount of nutrients of any food. They’re an excellent source of vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, and zinc. Along with a great way to supplement your diet with a healthy dose of food enzymes; which is critical for almost every biochemical reaction in your body. Some sprouts such as lentils, peanuts, and soybeans contain complete proteins. 

Sprouts are categorized as Chlorophyll-producing sprouts and those that do not. Chlorophyll-producing sprouts grow green leaves. They are radish cabbage, mustard, broccoli, cress and other vegetables. These are generally consumed raw and contain more nutrients than the vegetable themselves. Legume and grain seeds do not produce green leaves when they sprouts. Legume seeds contain a natural toxin that aids the immune system. Large legume seeds sprouts should be lightly cooked before eating to aid with digestion. Smaller legume seeds don’t do well being cooked so should be consumed raw but in only small quantities.

It is best to grow sprouts yourself. As they should be consumed within 3-4 days of growing. Sprouts are susceptible to mould and commercially grown sprouts have been linked to foodborne illness. Sprouts are not hard to grow and are very quick. There are a variety of ways to grow sprouts. A large wide-mouth mason jar works, a kitchen sieve or specialized sprouted; West Coast Seeds as a great one called the Biosta. I have been using the wide-mouthed mason jar with a metal screen lid. 

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  • Place 1 tbsp of small seeds or 2 tbsp of large seeds in a sterile jar.

  • Fill with water to twice the depth of the seeds.

  • Soak for 10 min (small seeds); 4 hrs (med seeds); 8hrs (large seeds)

  • Drain water after soaking time

* Soaking is optional but will speed up the germination process


  • Rinse seeds with water 3-4 times per day.

  • Drain well

  • Place the jar in a bowl upside down at an angle for the excess liquid to drain off

  • Keep out of the direct sun.

*Rinsing 3 times per day will help keep the seeds wet and sprouts fresh and free from mould. 

Watch them grow!!


Once the first pair of leaves have opened, the sprouts are ready. This is a great time to expose sprouts to bright, indirect sunlight, this will cause chlorophyll to develop. The leaves will turn a darker green and may enhance the nutrition of the sprouts.

When the sprouts reach this stage, they are ready for eating. 

Wash them under cold water to loosen and discard any seed husks. 

They can then be used fresh or kept in the refrigerator for three or four days. 


Starting Seedlings..