5 Daily Habits

In my last blog (Creating Health Building Habits) I was talking the creation of habits and being consistent. For some this may have served of an excellent reminder and a place to give yourself some compassion. However, others it may have all been completely new. Which often then leads to the next question -where to start.  I wanted to share with you some of my daily habits that help me stay on top of supporting my health and maximising my energy. 

‍1. Protein At Breakfast

Before you roll your eyes and say I know, I know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  I encourage you to take a minute to reflect on how you fuel yourself each morning. I find 25-30g of protein with breakfast is the amount that keeps me satiated and alert until lunch. Protein is a key nutrient for growth, repair and healing. It will help with blood sugar balance, energy and keeping one satiated. When more energy, improved mood and increased focus are your goals, really look at the amount of protein you are consuming to start your day!

2. Double Up Dinner Prep 

This is one of my favourite time saving tools.  Cook once eat twice. When you make dinner, make double and pack it up for lunch the next day. Lunch is a meal that is often forgotten or not made time for. Refuelling yourself part way through the day is essential in so many ways- kicking that 3pm crash, not being ravaging hungry by dinner to name a few. When I weekly meal plan for myself and/or clients, I set it up so that we’re eating leftovers for lunch. This helps to keep costs down by reducing waste, creating more time and best you will feel more energise and clear through your day.

3. Leafy Greens 1-2x Every Single Day

Leafy greens are nature’s multivitamin. They are rich sources of vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium and B vitamins, to name a few. There are so many different to enjoy your leafy greens;

  • Smoothies 

  • Salads 

  • Soups

  • Leafy green wraps - I love to use collage greens; they tend to hold together well.

  • Sauces- you can sneak many leafy greens in by chopping or pureeing

  • Kimchi or Sauerkraut

4. Movement

The benefits of movement go beyond working out at the gym.  Movement is amazing for increasing energy, mood, and mental health. Even just 5 minutes of walking has been shown to have anti-anxiety effects. I like to use movement to start my day, but a mid-afternoon walk will to give me a gentle boost- instead of the mid afternoon coffee or sugar pick me up! Really whenever you can fit it is the best time for you.  I often encourage my clients to get if 5-10 mins of movement after meals like lunch and dinner versus going to sit right back down- this helps with digestion and blood sugar regulation.

‍5. Reading Before Bed

This was a new habit I brought in in January.  I am not a big T.V. watcher.  I would find myself scrolling on my phone to pass the time.  I decided to put my phone away after the kids were in bed and to read for enjoyment - not research based reading.  Truly reading a novel.  I have found my sleep has improved. Sleep is so incredibly important for our body!

The creation of habits that support you and your body can be beneficial. Try pushing away the judgement and the need to do it perfectly. Set out to create one new habit at a time!


Supporting Hormones


Creating Health Building Habits