Staying Mindful of our Health Through the Holidays

Yippee!! I love the holiday season. We decorate our house super early. I love the gathering of friends and family. I love the excitement of the kids school holiday concert. Really I love it all! Yes this year the holiday season is looking very different than other years. It’s a lot quieter, a lot less juggling and I am missing all the togetherness. Stress levels are high maybe higher than normal; a lot of tough decisions to make.

The question of how do you stay on track has been coming up. Along with togetherness often the holidays comes with a lot more food, sweets, and alcohol. Along with a little less movement and a complete loss of routine.


There’s so much stress and fear in our world right now. We need to try to take a snooze from the outside world even if its just for a few hours; turn off your phones and take a news break. Try to focus on something positive, something joyous. Embrace whomever you are fortunate to spend your holidays with.

The biggest thing I can recommend is to remember to step outside breathe that fresh air, let the sunshine hit your eyes and move your body daily. Fresh air and movement are both very important for our mind, our mood and our body. Movement helps us process stress, check-in with our emotions and helps with digestion. Sunshine is an amazing source of Vitamin D; let it shine down on your face, feel its warm healing energy! Vitamin D is an amazing support for our immune system. Supporting this system as much as we can especially during times of higher stress will help to keep us healthy.

Drink and eat your water! Every organ, cell and tissue in your body requires water to function. Our body uses water in everything we do; talking, moving, breathing, and sweating. The bulk of us do not take in enough water. Myself I am really good at drinking water in the warmer months. But come the cold I definitely need to be more conscientious. Our mind can be funny with thirst. Not often we think to drink until we have dry mouth. By this point we are approaching dehydration. With dehydration comes a drop in energy levels and we look for a quick fix often grabbing a snack. Rarely do we grab a glass of water. Staying hydrated with water or water dense foods (cucumber, watermelon, celery and romaine lettuce) can also help control our appetite. Especially around the holidays when there is often an abundance of extra foods and indulgences. Increased consumption of coffee, alcohol and sugar heavily depletes our hydration levels.

I don’t know about you for me my memories of the holidays are delicious baked goods, icing and candy filled ginger bread houses, bowls full of nut mixes and chocolates. Along with big family dinners and often multiple. I know for many this year this will not be an option. But the presence more treats will likely still be there. Does it mean that you have to avoid it all? Is that realistic? NO WAY. Deprivation in my mind is not a successful or sustainable way to do life. We need to be mindful of our food choices. Allow ourselves to indulge in a controlled guilt free manner. But be aware of the runaway train.

For me baked goods and chocolates are my kryptonite; once I start it can be a very very slippery slope. I drink a lot so herbal teas and water to balance out my treats. I also take my treat and walk as far away as I can, making seconds not as handy. If you are one that fills your plate many times, try using a smaller plate to help control your portion size. When it comes to holiday liquid cheer, try drinking a big glass of water or two between each drink. This will help keep you hydrated!

To wrap things up enjoy what family that surrounds you this holiday season. Soak up their loving energy and companionship. Plan a daily take 5 to move the body, breathe in the fresh crisp air to clear your head and move that body. Enjoy the traditional treats and lovingly made meals. Practice mindfulness and kindness to you and your body.


Get Drinking and Eating that Water


Eat Real Food!!