Why Eat Fibre?

Did you know that fibre is simple way to up your nutrition game! When I talk with clients about fibre most will tell me they don’t have an issue with regularity. While I am happy to hear this there are so many more important reasons to consume fibre over regularity. You maybe surprised to hear it is a great way to help improve your digestion.

What is fibre important?

Fibre is carbohydrates that is found in plants - fruits, vegetable, legumes, grain and nuts. Unlike some carbohydrates fibre isn’t broken down to sugar, fibre passes through the digestive tract. Even though our bodies don’t digest fibre it has a very important role!

Why is fibre important?

Fibre is broken into two categories; soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fibre absorbs water and turns to a gelatinous substance that moves through the digestive tract. It helps to slow digestion for proper assimilation of nutrients and helps to soften stool. It acts as a sponge that picks up bi-products from metabolizing foods, excess estrogens, cholesterol, sugar and toxins and eliminates them from our body. Foods that are high in soluble fibre are foods such as chia seed and psyllium husk, legumes, oats, quinoa; vegetables such as squash, broccoli, carrots; and fruits that are rich in pectin, like apples, pears, berries, and bananas.

Insoluble fibre doesn’t absorb water or dissolve. It passes through the digestive tract in almost its original form. This provides bulk that helps to keep the bowel regular. Insoluble fibre is found in foods such as whole-grains, brown rice, nuts, seeds, the peel of fruits and vegetable, and leafy greens.

How much fibre do we need?

In Canada it is recommended that women consume 25g and men 38g. Many of us consume less than 10g a day. In other countries it has been noted that they consume upwards of 100g. They don’t seem to have the digestive issues or problems with chronic diseases that we see here in Canada.

How do we consume more fibre?

There are ways that we can upgrade what we are already eating in order to increase our daily fibre intake.

For example:

Breakfast: If you eat white bread and butter —> whole grain bread with nut butter and an apple with the peel on.

Lunch: If you eat a meat sandwich —> Salad with seeds and meat.

Dinner: If you someone who likes pasta —> consider using a chickpea pasta or using a mix of noodles and zucchini noodle and instead of just a meat sauce incorporate more veggies or have a salad on the side.

Does hydration play a role?

Hydration is ALWAY important. That being said when we start upping our fibre we have to make sure that we are adequately hydrated. We need water to not only help with the sponge like mechanism but also to help move the fibre through the body.

What about supplementation?

While taking a supplement like “Metamucil” is not bad. We have to remember supplementation is not meant to replace a healthful diet. Eating a wide variety of whole foods is the best way to increase your dietary fibre. If you want to avoid all the extras that are found in some of these over the counter options and eating that many whole foods is just not an option yet. Taking psyllium husk with lemon, juice or tea is another great option.

Start adding in a few more plant with each meal!


Why is “healthy” eating so hard….


Raising Mindful Eater