let’s change the dialogue on body weight
I have struggled with writing this post for a long time. I have written and deleted it many times. Weight loss is an area I probably get the most questions. It is an area that I am passionate about. Passionate because we need to change the dialogue. We need to look at weigh loss as a way to better our health vs. trying to achieve a look.
My heart hurts when I hear the negative self talk, the constant focus on wanting to be something else. I truly listen to these conversations and wonder where does it stop. When will we start embracing our body and it’s journey? I am 40; I had 3 children in 4 years. My body will NEVER be what it was when I was 20. Nor should it!
I am baffled when I hear comments like; just eating healthy won’t let me lose this weight. I am also puzzled when people can embark on these crazy regimes such as eliminating all carbohydrate and not pooping. But the suggestion of eating whole foods or maybe going to bed a little earlier is an impossible task.
We live in a culture where people are wanting a quick fix, that creates fear; fear of fat, fear of carbohydrates, fear of food. It’s actually a multi billion dollar industry; but up 2/3 of people regain more weight than what they lost. Quick fix diets and this fear mongering is the creation of “yo-yo dieting”. Yo- yo dieting also known as weight cycling which is the cyclical losing and gaining of weight. What does Yo-yo dieting do to our body? It can reduce the active thyroid hormone (T3); which will result in the metabolism to slow by as much as 25%; this will not only make it even more difficult to lose weight but easier to gain weight.
Weight loss should be a commitment we make to ourselves. A gift to ourselves. A way to achieve optimal health and prevent disease. It will require work. It won’t be easy. It will likely be emotional. It will require honesty, commitment and patience.
When asked if I can help achieve weight loss goals. My answer is not a simple yes. It’s actually often followed by a series of questions.
Why do you want to lose the weight?
How much are you wanting to lose and what is your time frame?
What have you tried?
What do you find tricky about weight loss?
What scares you?
What has been successful?
Give me a picture of your daily life!!
When I work with people they will end up losing weight. However, it’s not fast. Why? For one to get to a healthy weight your body MUST be healthy; nourished and rested. The extra weight we carry is often not as simple as calories in vs calories out. Yes those calories matter and where those calories come from; but stress, sleep and digestion are other major factors. I like to focus of making changes that are sustainable and lifelong; the creation of new habits! Focusing on eating natural whole foods, consuming enough dietary fibre, drinking water, moving your body and allowing your body to rest and recuperate.
We are all individuals on our own journey we need to be kind and compassionate to ourselves.
Try listening to our body.
Honour you!
I would be honoured to help you navigate your journey to optimal health.
Please reach out it whatever way is most comfortable to you if have any questions!